NSC Talent Cultivation 2007: Buddhist Epistemology2006/12/30 規劃討論(林鎮國 教授) 2007/01/19 初期佛教知識論(越建東 教授) 閱讀資料: 補充資料: 2007/03/03 阿毘達磨佛教知識論( 蔡伯郎 教授) 閱讀資料: Bhikkhu Dhammajoti, Abhidharma Doctrine and Controversy on Perception. Chapter 1-4 2007/03/31 阿毘達磨佛教知識論 II ( 陳一標 教授) 閱讀資料: Bhikkhu Dhammajoti, Abhidharma Doctrine and Controversy on Perception Chapter 5-8 補充資料: 行相研究 2007/04/28 陳那知識論 ( 何建興 教授) 補充資料: 《集量論》第一品 2007/06/02 法稱知識論 ( 何建興 教授) 閱讀資料: 補充資料: 1.
How to Talk about Ineffable Things:Dignāga and Dharmakīrti on apoha 2.
2007/06/21-23「陳那與法稱論邏輯、知識、語言與宗教講座」(桂紹隆、Tom F. Tillemans) 主要材料: 1.
Shoryu Katsura: Dignāga on what exists and how to know it 2.
Shoryu Katsura: Dignāga's system of logic 3.
Shoryu Katsura: The Apoha Theory of Dignāga 4.
Tom F. Tillemans: Dharmakirti on argumentation and logic 5.
Tom F. Tillemans: How to Talk about Ineffable Things Dignāga and Dharmakīrti on apoha 參考資料一: * How did the Buddhists prove something? --- The Nature of Buddhist Logic , The Numata Ehan Lecture in Buddhism 1996, The University of Calgary, Calgary, February 2000. * 'Indian Tradition of Debate', The Proceedings of the First Tokyo International Conference of Argumentation, ed. by T. Suzuki, Aug. 2000. * 〈 ディグナ ─ガの認識論と論理学〉,《 講座大乗仏教 9 》 , 春秋社 , Tokyo, July 1984. * 'The Role of drstanta in Dignāga's Logic', The Role of the Example in Classical Indian Logic, ed. by S. Katsura & E. Steinkellner, Wien, 2004. * 'The Apoha Theory of Dignāga', Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies , (印度學佛教學研究) Vol. 28-1, pp. (16)-(20), December 1979 * 〈 概念 ─ アポ ─ハ論を中心に 〉,《 岩波講座東洋思想10インド仏教3 》 Tokyo 1989. * 'Dignāga and Dharmakīrti on Apoha', Proceedings of the 2nd International Dharmakī rti Conference, ed. by E. Steinkellner, Wien, 1991. 參考資料二: 1.
Scripture, Logic and Language: Essays on Dharmakīrti and his Tibetan Successors . (Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism), Wisdom Publications: Boston , 1999. (especially the introduction and chapters 1-5) 2.
'The slow death of the Trairupya in Buddhist logic: A propos of Sa skya Pandita' 3.
'How to Talk about Ineffable Things Dignāga and Dharmakīrti on apoha' 2007/10/27 初期中觀學派知識論(萬金川 教授) 2007/10/27 中期中觀學派知識論(釋見弘 法師) 閱讀資料: 中觀思想的展開 ( 第三章、第四章 ) 補充資料: 歸謬論證的真意 NSC Talent Cultivation 2007: Buddhist Epistemology的論壇文章 [ 發表文章 ] [ 瀏覽文章 ] NSC Talent Cultivation 2007: Buddhist Epistemology的分類地圖 Developed by MEPO Humanity Technology