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This page is the news collection relevant to Buddhist studies or announcement of the International Workshop on Indian Buddhist Thought in the 6th-7th Century China .

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NEH Summer Institute - Investigating Consciousness: Buddhist and Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives django2011/11/13
100年度欽哲佛學奬學金自即日起開始申請 django2011/11/13
現代佛學經典選讀與翻譯讀書會即將開始! gustav2010/11/29
林鎮國老師98學年度第二學期「漢傳佛教哲學」課綱 gustav2010/02/02
Indian Buddhist Thought in 6th-7th Century China Platform Manual gustav2009/12/07
「六~七世紀漢語文化圈的印度佛教思潮」網路平台使用指南 gustav2009/12/01
News about the project at NSC Newsbrief: International Workshop on Indian Buddhist Thought in the 6th-7th Century China gustav2009/11/01
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