Event 2009PANELS
2009/10/17 14:00~17:00 政治大學百年樓宗教所研討室 Panel Discussion on Jan Nattier's Lecture in November, by Yoke Meei Choong, Jakub Zamorski and Ching Keng Transcript (Chinese) 2009/11/21 14:00~17:00 政治大學研究大樓哲學基礎研究室 Panel Discussion on Malcolm David Eckel's Lecture in November, LECTURES
Lecturers: Malcolm David Eckel and Jan Nattier 2009/11/27-28 10:00~17:00 地點:政治大學研究大樓哲學基礎研究室 Malcolm David Eckel (Boston University) Debate as a Catalyst for Doctrinal Development in 6th-century India Jan Nattier (Soka University) "Indian Buddhism through a Chinese Lens: What We Can Learn from Early Chinese Buddhist Translations?" 2009/11/27 Friday 10:00-11:30 Eckel: Bhaviveka the Debater 13:30-15:00 Nattier: Bodhisattvas and the Pure Land: A New Look at the Early Mahāyāna in India 15:30-17:00 Nattier: Re-thinking the Bodhisattva Path: The “Ten Stages” According to the Smaller Buddhāvataṁsaka 2009/11/28 Saturday 10:00-11:30 Nattier: Who Produced the Da mingdu jing 大明度經 (T225)? A Reassessment of the Evidence 13:30-15:00 Eckel: Bhaviveka's Critique of the Shravakas 15:30-17:00 Eckel: Models of Emptiness: Bhaviveka's Critique of the Yogacara Lecturers: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp Date:2009/12/17 03:00PM - 05:00PM Place:政治大學研究大樓哲學基礎研究室 Robert M. Gimello (University of Notre Dame) "The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu's Dilun (Daśabhūmivyākhyāna)." Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp (Harvard University): "On Some Problems with the Transmission of the Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet." CONFERENCE Of BUDDHIST EPISTEMOLOGY
2009/12/19 09:00~18:00 政治大學研究大樓二樓203教室 第一場、9:00-10:20 主持人:蔡耀明 何建興:Dharmakiriti on Nonconceptual Perception 蔡伯郎:無分別智與瑜伽現量 第二場、10:40-12:00 主持人:宗玉媺 耿晴 :意識如何緣取五識的內容?以說一切有部與經量部的論爭為中心 嚴瑋泓:《大智度論》對「說一切有部」實在論的批判-以「無相」、「行相」與「所緣」之議題為例證 第三場、13:40-15:40 主持人:陳宗元 趙東明:陳那「三分」說的論證以及「『對象底認識』底認識」是「自證(分)」嗎? 釋仁宥:陳那《集量論*現量品》的異派現量說之研究----以正理、勝論、數論、彌曼莎等學派為中心 劉啟霖:月稱之陳那量論的批判 -《 淨明句論*第一品 》藏譯本譯注與研究 第四場、16:00-18:00 主持人:何建興 汪純瑩:Between the Indeterminate and the Determined-- from the Viewpoints of Dignaga and Kant 張陌耘:Self-Awareness之結構──從MecKenzie的自反理論與Metzinger的自我模型理論所得之反省 林建德:論佛學對當今哲學研究之啟示:以意識課題為例 Event 2009的論壇文章 [ 發表文章 ] [ 瀏覽文章 ] Event 2009的分類地圖 Developed by MEPO Humanity Technology