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[地球物理] 台灣地震預警系統技術重要突破受國際重視

[地球物理] 台灣地震預警系統技術重要突破受國際重視

台大地質系副教授吳逸民花費10多年時間所完成的地震預警系統,配合中央氣象局的即時強力動態網絡(real-time strong-motion network),可搶在地震波擴散到各地前的10到30秒左右發布警報,提早預警以降低傷亡和財產損失。這項研究受到國際重視,美、日、韓目前均以該系統及其演算法為基礎,進行地震預警監測系統發展。


《地球物理研究通訊》〈台灣地震預警系統發展報告書〉 2009/01/30發表 (英文)
今日新聞 2009/04/06
雅虎奇摩新聞 2009/04/06

[Geophysics] New Breakthrough of Earthquake Early Warning in Taiwan Draws International Regards

Associate Professor Yih-Min WU of the Dept. of Geosciences, NTU, presents the Earthquake Early Warning System, on which over ten years has he spent. Associated with Central Weather Bureau's real-time strong-motion network, the system can give warning ten to thirty seconds earlier than the occurrence of seismic waves. Early warning allows people to get prepared and decreases the damage. The research result draws international attentions. The system and its algorithm have been taken as the basic model for further modification and development in the United States, Japan and Korea.

The sensor of the device can detect the state of the focus of the earthquake nearby since the initial P waves (vertical waves) have been successfully utilized for the identification of seismic state, and due to the propagation speed difference between S waves (horizontal waves) and P waves, it can steal some critical time before the occurrence of seismic waves counting on the faster speed of digital information communication and the quick analysis of the algorithm. Yih-Min WU points out, because P waves are 1.73 times faster and less violent than S waves, as well as because there nonetheless exist certain correlations between P waves and S waves, he accordingly designs an algorithm analyzing initial P waves and identifying the information about the earthquake magnitude, scale etc. for Central Weather Bureau's warning network. For instance, when an initial P wave is detected in Hualian, seven seconds are spent on calculation, and three seconds on information transmission to Taipei, so that Taipei can issue the warning thirty seconds earlier than the actual arrival of violent seismic waves. The research result has been released in Geophysical Research Letters and other international journals. The United States, Japan, and Korea show great interest in this algorithm. The American Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii has adopted the algorithm in 2008.

Further Information:
“Development of earthquake early warning system in Taiwan”in Geophysical Research Letters published on 2009/01/30
NOWNews 2009/04/06 (in Chinese)
Yahoo! News 2009/04/06 (In Chinses)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2009 11:36AM by gustav.